Friday, December 09, 2011

Brazilian Engagement Traditions

In Brazil when you are dating the couple both have silver bands,worn on the right hand. When you become engaged you have a gold band, again worn on the right hand. When you actually get married you then use the same ring on the left hand.

However both of us prefer silver, I wanted to wear the ring on my left hand being English and Fabio's finger on his right hand was fatter so it alternating to see which he prefers! A mix of both cultures!

He has my name engraved on the inside of his ring and I have his on the inside of my ring!

This article here gives you a bit more of an insight!

In case you hadn't guessed.. we are engaged!!


  1. Anonymous8:04 pm

    congrats to joss and fabio on your engagment welcome fabio to the family love nana grandad xx

  2. Anonymous12:22 pm

    thx for the info it was useful. My father never had a wedding ring, it wasn't thought of back then, but now my brazilian is on about a man's engagement ring, and i had no idea what he meant, as there's no tradition of men's rings in my English family.

  3. Glad you found it useful! Half of my friends thought we had got married because they look like English wedding bands!

  4. Anonymous6:32 am

    ah it's the same for me i just got engaged and my Brazilian boyfriend bought me a diamond engagement ring.. because it's my tradition ... then i found out that men wear one too so i bought him a white gold band... haha it's pretty confusion to me he now looks married and me engaged :P
